The prize is judged on the basis of the best performance in a building scheme that demonstrates design excellence in multi-storey design with an emphasis on sustainability.
Organised by the Heartland Group, the development project will encompass an approximately $800 million mixed use development on three prime sites in Parramatta, NSW.
A review of a small single residence in Canberra, designed by Collins Caddaye Architects. Situated in a heritage precinct and adjacent to a series of car parks, this urban intervention is a poignant example of micro-housing and urban densification in the city.
The films explore ideas about making architecture that extends beyond the traditional practice approaches and challenges the relationships between architecture and the cultural, economic, social and political realms.
Toomath was one of the first New Zealand architects to study at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and to bring the highest level of overseas design knowledge to local conditions, budgets and scope.
One of our contributing online editorial assistants, highlights that before attempting to accommodate the rapidly increasing population of Melbourne, we must first understand what constitutes a good housing design.