In a thought-provoking panel discussion, pioneering zero-waste designer, floral artist and restaurateur Joost Bakker joined emerging talent from Australian Design Review‘s 30UNDER30 on Wednesday night to examine how designers can better embrace dirt. Miele’s Experience Centre in Chatswood set a clean stage for the young designers and architects in attendance to explore beyond the surface […]
Internationally renowned eco-innovator Joost Bakker will join members of Australian Design Review’s 30UNDER30 at the Miele Chatswood showroom on Wednesday 22 May for a panel discussion that goes beyond the surface of sustainability. Design can be a dirty business. Few people know this better than the pioneering Australian environmental activist Joost Bakker. Often described as […]
Designer, floral artist and ‘no waste’ advocate Joost Bakker’s Future Food System home on the banks of the Yarra River is 25 years in the making. The 87-square-metre home on the edge of Melbourne’s Federation Square is a self-contained world, where incredible design extends beyond aesthetics. For resident chefs Matt Stone and Jo Barrett – […]
Designer, floral artist and ‘no waste’ advocate Joost Bakker’s latest greenhouse in Melbourne’s Federation Square is 25 years in the making. The 87-square-metre Future Food System home on the banks of the Yarra River embraces a zero-waste approach to living and is the fifth iteration of Bakker’s Greenhouse project. Residents, chefs Matt Stone and Jo […]