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Meet the IDEA jury series: Tina Engelen

Meet the IDEA jury series: Tina Engelen


In the lead-up to IDEA 2019, ADR is running a series of Q&As and profiles with this year’s jury. In the second instalment, ADR speaks to Tina Engelen, designer and principal at Co-ap.

ADR: What’s the biggest misconception that people have about life in a design practice?

Tina Engelen: That designers possess creativity – we also master strategic thinking, problem-solving, psychology, clear communication and we combine this with experiential knowledge and good humour. Add to that an ability to remain innovative within ever-expanding bureaucratic approval and litigious certification processes.

How do you keep challenging yourself individually and as a practice?
To keep challenged, we seek diverse project typologies as we enjoy varied client briefs. These are filtered and reduced to produce pure and concentrated design outcomes. We have one eye on the future and one eye on past works that exhibit excellence.

What has remained evergreen in your creative approach and what continues to evolve?

Humanist design principals are embedded to produce works that offer substance with style. Material and colour palettes will always evolve.

How does CO-AP remain innovative as smaller, younger practices emerge?

We stay curious and open to ever-changing local and global design landscapes.

What’s one design rule that you like to break?

My own rules first, followed by everyone else’s.

As a judge of IDEA 2019, what will you be looking for in the entries?

I seek strong, substantive concepts and considered works that introduce future directions.

Entries into IDEA 2019 close Monday 29 April 2019, 5 pm. Get your entry in now!


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