Image above QV Market image courtesy
The City of Melbourne has announced its draft plan and budget for 2015/16, demonstrating a continued commitment to sustainability, transport and community services.
The cornerstone of this year’s budget is the $80 million Queen Victoria Market (QVM) Renewal Project, which anticipates the growing needs of visitors, traders and commuters.
Several changes have been proposed for the market precinct. These include the relocation of its car park and the creation of a high quality public space, the renovation of the market sheds, the upgrading of the streetscapes, improvement of roads, cycle paths, walkways and public transport infrastructure, the addition of a visitor centre and management facilities, and the creation of new mixed-used development sites adjacent to the market.
Other major council projects include repurposing roads around Melbourne into open green spaces. These will include University Square and Southbank Boulevard, as well as the expansion of the Eastwood and Rankins, and the Railway and Miller Street reserves.
A figure of $2.5 million has been dedicated to closing gaps in Melbourne’s cycling network, as part of the final year of the 2012-16 Bicycle Plan. Bicycle lanes will be added to Elizabeth Street between Victoria and Queensberry streets, to Epson Road in Kensington, and to Peel Street.
Other transport projects include $790,000 to improve road safety and accident hot spots, as well as $200,000 for the Walking Plan project, which will improve pedestrian safety and connectivity around Melbourne.
Several sustainability projects are also in the pipeline, aimed at reducing the City’s operating costs, gas emissions and carbon footprint; $800,000 worth of solar panels will be installed across Melbourne, and a further $1.6 million will be spent upgrading streetlights to more energy efficient LED lights.
To see what impact the City of Melbourne’s draft plan and budget will have on the city this year, visit