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Sponsored by Crafted Hardwoods

This category is open to any interior design projects funded by a public body and/or that are dedicated to public care. Projects suitable for inclusion are institutional buildings such as schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, medical centres, aged care facilities, nursing homes and prisons.

Given the wide variety of typologies this category governs, submissions will be judged on case-by-case criteria with regards to how they have acquitted their stated brief. Considerations include: brief, concept, ability to engage and serve the general public, spatial acumen, parameters, decoration, lighting, sustainability, innovation and originality of design outcome.

Submissions to this category must include a separate Sustainability statement to be considered for the Sustainability Award.

Past Winners


Ocean Cosmetics

Nickolas Gurtler Office

Photographer credit: Timothy Kaye


Monash Robotics Lab

Studio Bright

Photographer credit: Rory Gardiner


Research Primary School

Kennedy Nolan

Photographer credit: Emily Bartlett


The Gandel Wing

Bates Smart

Photographer credit: Peter Clarke