Ageing is inevitable and, as more and more of us do so, its costs, and social and personal impacts have become big issues. How far is it possible to take the age out of ageing in specifying for present and future populations? And how can architects address these concerns while taking advantage of this ever-growing […]
While the big hotel names still dominate the hospitality industry, the rise of the boutique hotel offers myriad opportunities for architecture practices looking to branch out. And they can make an instant impression if they get the entry right… As is so often the case these days, we are captive to our first impressions. Hotel […]
Projects stall, prized associates land jobs overseas, the economy in your specialist field tanks and off-the-plan apartments go way, way off. How do architectural practices plan for – and cope with – the business of staying in business? “I’m not sure that you can succeed as an architect if you don’t have a good dose […]
Former US President George H.W. Bush may have disparaged the vision thing, but, without that ingredient, little of consequence will be built. How to achieve the final product says a lot about the relationship between the client as the main stakeholder and the architect. Promotion of Mastery, the latest Sydney project from the Crown Group, […]